Devastated Infrastructure of the Government Primary Schools
In my childhood when I was getting my Primary education. I often saw government schools especially Government primary schools having devastated infrastructure, old building, no boundary walls and no facilities for little students to drink clean water and Hygienic washrooms. As I was studying in a good private School so as a child it was very disturbing and terrifying for me that, how children of these primary schools are studying in these poor conditions? How they are protected from bad things of environment cold winters and hot summers? And how they are surviving from the harsh weather environment. As I was child at that time, So I was very afraid of animals like dogs etc and weather like cold winters and burning summers. So, I thought that if I could not bear these conditions how they were surviving these harsh conditions of environment. These were the questions that were pinching my mind continuously at that time.
And when I grew up and starting to know about reality. Then I came to know that the only mistake of these children was that they were not from good backgrounds, they were not born having silver spoon in their mouth and their parents were not rich and they could not afford good schooling for them. But they were eager for knowledge, they wanted to become something, they wanted to do great in life. They wanted to be like others who could afford high level schooling and all living standards in the society.As someone beautifully said that
“Children are the world’s most value able resource and its best hope for the future”.
In our society due to dishonesty, corruption, and bad management the poor are not getting even the basic needs of life. Education is the basic right of every humane being. Due to bad and poor management poor kids are not able to get education in a proper way, in proper infrastructure where they could feel safe and secure from all harmful things and from severe weather conditions. These poor conditions effect the productivity and skills of little students. In the childhood the children are in learning process of new things, about life and these factors low down their moral and they start behaving badly and at last they lose hope.
So, I always wanted to do something for them. I want them to study in environment where they could feel safe. Apart from luxuries at least there should be basic needs of a school system. There should be suitable building, safe boundary, clean drinking water and basic stationary for the children. When I was a kid, I always wanted to solve this problem and during my college time I used to provide stationary, school bags and sometimes school uniforms to poor primary school kids on my own. But the problem is as much big that a single person could not solve this problem we have to work together for this great cause because these children are the future of Pakistan.
There are still many primary schools in my town which do not have walls, clean water facility and good infrastructure. And I want to help those schools and poor school kids so they could get knowledge in a better environment. As from past few years the government is also working on education department, millions of budgets are allocated for education sector but still there is lot more to do. So, I want to help poor children getting good schooling infrastructure they need. I will try to raise funds and will coordinate with foundations which are working for education So, I could help to solve this problem.This will be my biggest achievement in life.As “Danny Thomas” said that:
“Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for’s what you do for others”.